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The complex which is 54 km away from Ulaanbaatarcity placed in “ Tsonjin Boldog” historical place near by the Tuul river.

The total area is 212 hectare and the statue isbuilt in center of the complex. The statue is 40 meters high including thebase. The round shaped base is 10 meters high and its 30 meters diameter whereChinggis Khan’s museums, exhibition hall, restaurants, bar, meeting hall andsouvenir shops are located.

The architecture of the statue is simplystunning with visitors walking to the head of the horse through its chest andneck of the horse, or simply taking the lift, where they can have a panoramicview so the people can appreciate the other mountains view surrounding thestatue.

The statue will be surrounded by over 200 gercamps fully equipped with modern furniture and historical designs currently wehave 20 ger camps built.

The ger camps locations will be designed in theshapes of old stamps, from the top view, belonged to Mongolian tribes duringthe 13th century.

During the night, it will look like shiningstars as it will be lighted with many bon fires.

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